Each month, we’ll be publishing details of God’s blessings that we are thankful for and those areas where we need your prayers.
Whilst we’ll keep these areas in our prayers, we will be particularly focussing on them every Wednesday and invite you to join us, wherever you are.
Praise – God’s blessings we are thankful for
This week:
- One of our guests has started a new job this week after a long break in employment
- Two guests have applied for volunteering jobs through Voluntary Action Rotherham
- Two volunteers are actively applying for paid jobs now that their lives have become more stable with the help of volunteering in Shiloh
We have been awarded a grant by St. James’s Place Foundation of £1,000 which they have kindly agreed can be used towards preparing the new premises.
Prayer – where we need God’s help and your prayers
Please pray for the right new people to join Shiloh – we are urgently looking for the following volunteers:
- trainee cook
- people with experience of operational management
- trustees including ones with HR and legal experience
- more volunteers for reception, guest and kitchen teams
- accountant
As we said last time, the site of our current premises is being sold and we need to move, quite urgently. Please pray that the resources (premises, people, skills and finance) we need for the move will be made available.